Sunday, May 06, 2012

Rainy Days

It has been rather rainy the last couple of weeks here on the island. I am told this is not normal, that weather like this is more common in December and January. Most mornings when Julie and I walk up the hill to school, it is cloudy and drizzling. Some days the skies clear and we get the sunshine; other days it stays cloudy and rainy throughout. The humidity is rather high, so even with the clouds, you don't feel cold.

It is kind of nice in 2 ways.
1) The rain is filling the cisterns, so people do not have to be as stingy with their water use.
2) It is coordinating nicely with Gr 2's unit on weather. We have a weather chart in the classroom to track the weather every day AND we have a rain gauge set up in the garden outside the classroom. With today's soggy weather, we are approaching 2 inches of rain for the month of May!!! Crazy...

Unfortunately, the rain means no outside recess. No outside recess means everyone stays cooped up in the classroom. Staying cooped up in the classroom.... well, you know. School is winding down, and excitement is in the air. Before you know it, summer will be here!

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