Sunday, May 27, 2012

Musical Notes

Genesis Pan - my favorite pan group in the world!
Today was the last day, the last time I played steel pan at St. John's Lutheran. I had found my niche playing the 4-bass and grooved to calypso rhythms. Now I must say goodbye to the music, the 1 1/2 practices that often went long, and the people I messed around with every Saturday. I must say, we ended with a crash-bang finish. We learned the Hallelujah Chorus to play for the offering, and then we put together a medley of 3 songs we had played during the year. Too bad the chances of having a steel pan group in the States are not as good as having one in the Caribbean...

This afternoon I attended a piano recital put on by the students of Mrs. Sternhagen. Her youngest students are in Kindergarten, and her oldest students are in secondary school. It was a very nice program; it started on time and all of the children did a lovely job. 3 of my own second graders played for the recital. All were rather nervous but managed at least one smile.

Mahsha (blue) and Jada (pink)

Makayla (center)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Call Cadence

Coo! Crazy Call chaos created calamity....
Ok, not really.
Friday night, Julie and I got together with the Johnstons and Sternhagens for our final monthly ex-pat get together. We had a "Fish Fiesta": lobster thermadour (compliment of a gift of lobsters from one of Julie's school moms), red snapper, grouper, barracuda, and shnook. It was delicious! Lots of good food and lots of good company. The topic of the evening was Call Day...
Part of the festivities involved a supposed "rite of passage" -
eating a fish eyeball. Pastor Sternhagen is all things food and fish.

Julie, however, does not have the same stomach and excitement for
adventuresome foods. She ate it, but, well, just look at her face. =)

Both Julie and I are coming back to the States to teach this next academic year. We streamed MLC's graduation, watched our friends and loved ones walk the stage to accept their diplomas, and waited in high anticipation for the Call Service, slated to begin at 2:30 Central Time. Pastor Johnston went on a crazy alliterative kick and began to give everything the label "call". We had call cakes (pancakes) for breakfast with call coffee, watched call cartoons, lunch was call cabbage salad, there were call chores, call cleaning.... yeah. I had gone on an early morning run to the beach to give my mind a break, then practiced keyboard for church, helped stain some boards for library shelving... Then came time for the Service. The computer at the Johnston's house has rather low volume, so we were all plugged into earphones, leaning toward the computer, anxiously listening and exclaiming as we heard different names and locations.

I am humbled to announce that I have been called to service Pilgrim Lutheran School in Mesa, AZ, to teach grades 3-4, music, and serve as an organist. God is good! All the time! What an amazing blessing that God uses his people to provide calls for those who train for the public ministry.

Today in church, it was announced (officially) that Julie and I are leaving. We were called up to the front and presented with a certificate to thank us for our year of service here. The excitement of my new placement is mixed with the bitterness of having to say goodbye. As my time here draws to a close, I can't help but reflect on all the challenges and blessings that define my experience. May God be praised!

"So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Winding Down

Hard to believe I only have 3 weeks of school left... just 14 days of classes, then I will have finished my first year of teaching! Had you told me a couple of years ago that my first year feeding the Lord's lamb would be in Antigua, I do believe I would have laughed at you. But now I can laugh in joy, like Sarah, in wonder and amazement that He has chosen to bless me!

The rain continued for most of the week, though today the sun was out! Julie and I celebrated by walking to a beach. Granted we got lost along the way, and what should have taken about 40 minutes took nearly an hour and half! We enjoyed the warm sun and cool, lovely water. Both of us have pink skin as a reminder of our relaxing afternoon. Friend and co-worker Miss Christmas kindly gave us a ride back home so we wouldn't have to repeat the confusion of the trip.

In the middle of the week, we had our end-of-the-year teacher evaluations, conducted by school visitor Erik Landwehr and Principal Pastor Andrew Johnston. It kind of felt like I was getting my grade from Student Teaching all over again, but without the pressure and wondering if I would pass and be able to graduate.

Speaking of graduation... MLC graduation is this Saturday! Both Julie's fiancĂ©, Joe, and my boyfriend, Julius, will be graduating from the pastor track, ready to continue their training to be pastors. Joe will go straight to the seminary in Mequon, while Julius is going to detour to the seminary in Leipzig, Germany. Very exciting times! In addition to graduation, Saturday is also Call Day. If you will be watching the stream online, listen for my name! Pray that the Lord  places me where I can best serve Him.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Rainy Days

It has been rather rainy the last couple of weeks here on the island. I am told this is not normal, that weather like this is more common in December and January. Most mornings when Julie and I walk up the hill to school, it is cloudy and drizzling. Some days the skies clear and we get the sunshine; other days it stays cloudy and rainy throughout. The humidity is rather high, so even with the clouds, you don't feel cold.

It is kind of nice in 2 ways.
1) The rain is filling the cisterns, so people do not have to be as stingy with their water use.
2) It is coordinating nicely with Gr 2's unit on weather. We have a weather chart in the classroom to track the weather every day AND we have a rain gauge set up in the garden outside the classroom. With today's soggy weather, we are approaching 2 inches of rain for the month of May!!! Crazy...

Unfortunately, the rain means no outside recess. No outside recess means everyone stays cooped up in the classroom. Staying cooped up in the classroom.... well, you know. School is winding down, and excitement is in the air. Before you know it, summer will be here!