Sunday, April 01, 2012

Palm Sunday

  Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Today we celebrate our Lord's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, just days before His betrayal, trial, suffering, death, and, best of all, His resurrection. St. John's Lutheran Church truly takes up the spirit of Palm Sunday, placing palms at the ends of pews, tying them to the pulpit and lecturn, and arching branches over the altar.

  Like many other Lutheran churches, Palm Sunday is Confirmation Sunday. In place of the normal Bible Study hour, the 9 confirmands (7th grade age) answered questions in front of congregation members. Some young people shot up their hands with each question; others needed a little more convincing and coaxing to offer and answer. After their rite of confirmation, they were welcomed up to the communion table, declaring their fellowship and faith to all those present. What a joy to see these young Christians as they grow in their walk with the Lord!

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