Saturday, August 13, 2011

Back of my classroom, in the process of cleaning and sorting out everything.

Side of my classroom with windows and screens

Side of my classroom that has cinderblock windows, open air (no screens) all the time, so we do get
creepy, crawly visitors from time to time

Front of my classroom: white board, black board, and 2 plywood bulletin boards

The door to 2nd grade!

View of the back of church from my classroom

The building housing gr 1-6 and the school office

The belltower in the lawn in front of church

St. John's Lutheran Church, Antigua

View of the harbor where the cruise ships dock, from the lawn of church

View from the lawn of church, looking into the valley

Church office, belltower, and church building
Ok, here are some pictures of my new church and school. I spent the last week, cleaning and sorting my classroom to get it in shape for the new school year, starting on Sept. 1. On Tuesday, August 16, we will begin meeting together as a faculty. I am excited/nervous... There is so much to do to prepare for the new year, and I do not know any of my students! Soon I will and things will settle into a routine. Friday afternoon, we received the workbooks that accompany the A Beka curriculum. I have 31 workbooks for 9 different purposes. So many books! And in the past, the 2nd grade teacher has kept the workbooks at school to minimize the chance of the books or their tear out pages being lost or forgotten at home. If I continue this, I will be hard put to find room for nearly 300 workbooks in my classroom!

I hope to soon post pictures of my clean classroom, with the beginnings of the new bulletin boards.

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