Friday night Julie and I hosted the Johnstons and Sternhagens at our house. Sternhagens brought wings and salad, Johnstons brought juice and garlic bread, and we all split the cost of pizza. It was really nice to be able to host, even though we are still without an oven, and our house isn’t quite the epitome of kid-friendly. Still, a good time was had by all. After pizza the kids were taken home and put to bed, and the adults went out to see a movie. Just a nice night.
Today, Julie found a TV for our house! There is a store down the road where people sell things they don’t want anymore. Though we have the TV, we are still struggling to get the DVD player to work with it. I can’t find the input channel! Ah, frustration.
And the last little bit of news for the week… I got a cold last week Friday. I was super stuffy/sneezing over the weekend and had a sore throat Sunday. My voice got lower and kind of left me during the week. Always interesting to lose one’s voice, add to that the fact that one is in charge of 29 very loud, rambunctious 7- and 8-year-old. Oh, and try to teach them songs for a class play when you can’t sing above an A, the harder you try, the softer you get, and the CD player can be overpowered by 3 people singing. Lord willing, I heal quickly. Choir sings for church tomorrow, and my class needs to keep plugging away at that play.
My name is Chelsea and I work for an event called Sports Spectacular that raises money for the Medical Genetics Institute at Cedars-Sinai. To continue to raise funds throughout the year we are auctioning off vacations and would love your help. Currently we are auctioning off an Antigua vactaion. I saw that you had a few articles about Antigua and we'd love it if you could please post this to your blog page. Thank you and let me know if you need any more information. Here's the link: