Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's Christmas!

250+ kids, who knows how many
parents - one packed church
This week at school was nuts! We practiced our Christmas program every morning, supposedly starting at 8:30. (Well, we're in Antigua, so though my class was usually in place by 8:40, we never got started before 5 to 9.) Today we had a full, full church. The program started at 11:10 (not bad at all, really) and ended at 1:05. Yikes. Various mishaps and new things we never rehearsed happened, but the gospel was proclaimed, so, "Thanks be to God!"

This week Thursday was supposed to be our Christmas Olympics. The students preschool through Gr 6 divide into 5 houses - Hawksbill (Green), Frigate (Red), Ocean (Blue), Sun (Yellow), Racer (White) - and compete in races, contests, etc. Each house has approximately 50 kids and is headed by 2 or 3 teachers. Unfortunately for everyone this year, there has been so much rain that the outdoor events were cancelled. Instead, we had an extra practice for our program and then went back to our own classrooms. Miss Rosenbaum found some Minute-to-Win-it games on the internet and held a mini-olympics of her own. She then made the mistake of giving a treat (a small lollipop) to the winners. Poor suffering children who didn't win began to cry. I felt bad for a moment, then thought, "Well, here is a lesson we both can learn. They need to know that they can't win everything in life, and the world will not end if they do not receive a treat. I need to be prepared for my rewards to blow up in my face and realize that crying kids come with the territory.

Grade 2 girls, enjoying the party
Friday was our Christmas party. Here, Christmas party food is not just cookies and juice. It can include pizza, sausage rolls, patties (meat pastries), sandwiches, meatballs, chips, cookies, cake, ice cream, juice, candy... need I go on? We spent most of the 3 hour party opening presents and eating. If I had not had one of my class moms in, helping me the whole day, I would not have made it. I could have been much more organized, but another lesson learned for next year.

Friday night was our faculty Christmas party. Traditionally, the party has been hosted at someone's house with teachers each bringing something to pass. This year it was decided that we go someplace nice and eat out. This nice place was the Sandals Resort (insert appropriate ohs and ahs). We have a connection through our music minister who is a tour guide and also used to work at Sandals. We got a deal and were going to eat at the buffet. As the Lord would have it, Friday night was the only night this month they did not serve the buffet! So we were permitted to order any appetizers and 2 entrees from the restaurant menu. Then we ambled over to another part of the resort where there was a chocolate bar. To end the night, we were shown up to a conference room set aside for our gift exchange. Both Julie and I had requested and received local art to hang in our house. Now our white walls have some color!

St. John's Lutheran faculty and staff (minus a few)
I couldn't ask for anyone else to share my time here!

May God bless you and yours as we celebrate the coming of our Savior! Me? I'll be home for Christmas. You can plan on me.   =)

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