Sunday, November 06, 2011

Just a Short Post

  • Had a nice short week of school, only Wednesday to Friday.
  • Were short of water at school on Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Were short of electricity at church this morning when it cut in the middle of the first hymn. Thankfully we had someone at the steel pan to continue accompanying us until Pastor Sternhagen got the generator turned on.
  • Mrs. Sternhagen called me ‘little girl.’ Usually my mom calls me that. I know I’m short and look like I’m 17, but come on!
  • Our lawn is NOT short. Our lawn care guy has not been here for over a month and our yard looks horrendous!
  • Yesterday took a short walk into town to pay our electric bill. Purchased a painting (at a short price, courtesy of a church member) for our wall.
  • Looking forward to a short call to my youngest brother who turned 18 this past Friday.
  • Was reminded in church to say a short prayer of thanks for the grace God has given us.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the island life is never short of adventures! Had fun catching up on your blog again today (apparently I missed the memo when you posted the last one)...still enjoying all the updates and I'd just like to comment that your writing has become distinctly more Antiguan :) Take care, Nicki
