Sunday, March 25, 2012

Kids Say the Darndest Things

I know I'm too young to really know anything about that show, but it's true! Sometimes my kids say things that are flat out funny, some cute, some a little sad, and some bordering profound. One thing that is school-wide is the tremendous struggle to identify me and say my name correctly. I am often, very often called "Miss Boggs" or "Miss Rosenboggs". A few of my co-workers call me Julie... or "Miss - um, Miss-um... uh, Miss" "Rosenbaum?" "Yes, Miss Rosenbaum." On parent calls me "Rose", another calls me "Miss Rosebaum". This week I was called "Mommy," "Grandma," "Auntie," and one girl called me "Miss Abraham" (our first grade teacher). Maybe someday I will get to be myself.

My story of triumph for the week. A second grade girl asked me if we were going to have silent reading time or if we had already had it today. I told her, no, we had wasted too much time during math and had to use our reading time to catch up on our work for the day. She looked at me, crestfallen, "Oh." Perhaps my kids are starting to realize what a treat it is to have 15 mins of time just to sit and read, whatever it is you want. I certainly loved it in grade school, and while my kids are reading, so is the teacher...

My giggle story for the week. This happened at 7:40 on Friday morning, as my kids are coming in for the day.
     Girl: Do you have a husband?
     Me: No.
     Girl: Oh... (sad face)
     Me: Why do you ask? Do you want me to have a husband?
     Girl: Yeah.
     Me: So you want me to get married?
     Girl: Yeah.
     Me: Why?
     Girl: I just gotta dance!
     Me: You just have to dance? (very confused)
     Girl: Yeah, I just gotta dance! Are you gonna get married in America?
     Me: Well, it's not going to happen for some time and I can't promise you anything, but 

     I will probably get married in America. Do you want to come?
     Girl: Yeah.

Honestly, it was all I could do to keep from bursting out, laughing. Then I stepped outside to greet a student who was wearing a jacket I would contemplate wearing in December in MN... all because it had rained in the wee hours of the morning and she was "really, really cold." Then I did start laughing.

Studmuffin: Judah Sternhagen, 3
Good news! Judah Sternhagen and mom Kristen are back in Antigua. The causes of the seizures are unknown, so it was explained that 1 in 200 children have seizures with no apparent cause. Most children grow out of these. So! He has medication to stop the seizures and we'll reassess in two years. Both Judah and Kristen are glad to be home and looking well. Thanks be to God!

Aida, Judah, Sienna... kicking it on the beach       

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Epicurean Adventures

For you philosophy and world religion scholars, you are probably wondering why I would title a post "Epicurean Adventures". Isn't Epicurus a man associated with the purported axiom "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die"? Friends, you will be pleased, yea, even relieved to learn that Epicurean is the name of the large supermarket here in Antigua. It is possibly the most "American" venue on island. This grocery store competes with another called First Choice. When we first arrived, Julie and I did all our shopping at First Choice, a smaller, slightly more local supermarket. But now we shop almost exclusively at Epicurean. Why? It's location is much more convenient for our gracious drivers. The prices can be a little more expensive, depending on the fare, but the selection is bigger and the location, desirable.

Like many grocery stores in the States, Epicurean has a rewards card. Now, initially, Julie and I thought to ourselves that it would be silly to get a rewards card because we would so rarely patronize the establishment. Then, as we found ourselves at the store more and more (and as Cindy Johnston kept saying, "Hey, have you gotten a card yet?") we thought perhaps there would be a benefit to signing up for the rewards card. There is no cost (always a bonus). The rate of point accumulation is nothing to write home about - I believe you earn 1 point (1 cent) for every dollar you spend. So if we want to get $10 in rewards, we have to spend $1000 at the grocery store. But! we are already spending the money for groceries, so maybe we'll earn a little back. Who knows?

An important prayer request to my readers: Judah Sternhagen, 3-year-old son of one of our pastors, had some serious seizures Wednesday night. Routine tests came back negative. So mom Kristin and Judah have traveled to the US, are staying with family, and will visit doctors and specialists to see if they can't determine the cause of the seizures. Please keep the Sternhagens in your prayers, as well as the doctors and nurses who attend to Judah. We are confident the Lord will carry out His will for the good of His children.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Final Term

Hard to believe I have been in Antigua for over 7 months... I do believe I am a very different person, reshaped, squashed, sanded, polished, chopped, glued, welded, refined by all my experiences here. Each aspect of my life teaches me something almost every day, everything from interpersonal relationships (thank you, Prof. Paustian) to life lessons (Mom says sometimes life isn't fair) to characteristics of children (just why 7 year olds fall out of their desks at the drop of a hat?) to humility and fairness (with good lessons, prospectives, and guidance from Dad) to the beauty of creation (cross reference the country of Antigua) to pan rhythms (6 songs to learn in 6 weeks!) to the amazing, immeasurable vastness and riches that are God's mercy, personified in His Son.

You may or may not already know, but both Julie and I have decided to return to the States next year, put our names before the Assignment Committee, and wait prayerfully for whatever the Lord has in store for us come May 19. My Dad is currently holding a Call to serve as principal at WLA in Wisconsin, but I felt almost like I was holding a Call for nearly 5 months! I believe the good Lord was given me a very long lesson on prayer and seeking godly advice from others...

So, the final term. We have begun Term 3, my final academic term here in Antigua. 3 days in... not too bad. I have decided to reward student who complete and turn in their homework every day by giving them something on Friday afternoon - a new pencil, 5 extra minutes of recess, etc. Unfortunately for me, I know this will result in crying, screaming children who don't get the reward. I'm going to try the system for a month, see if I can take the negative reactions... Of course, it's my fault, mean teacher that I am, but Lord willing, these children will be taught lessons of responsibility and the reality that you don't always get what you want.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

A Visitor!

Well, 2, actually...

1) Joe Lindloff, fiancĂ©e to Miss Julie Boggs is on Spring Break from MLC. He made the long trip down to visit the beautiful island and his even more beautiful bride-to-be. They have been enjoying their time together, spending time at resorts (compliments of various church members), scuba diving (again, thanks to a church member), and frequenting the beaches. He arrived here on Friday afternoon and stays until early Saturday morning.

2) Professor Jonathan Roux, Director of Education at MLC came down to teach a class for the SJL staff. On Monday (a teacher in-service day) we had a 4 hour class for Teaching Spelling. Most of the material I had already studied while up on the Hill, but it was a nice refresher and I got some new ideas to help some of the children I am tutoring. On Sunday, the Johnstons, Joe, Julie, Prof, and I went to Half Moon Bay, a beach on the east side of the island, up to Shirley Heights to listen to a steel pan orchestra, and out to eat. I ate a burger. It was delicious! I am always eating chicken, so this was a very welcome return to an old American favorite.

Today was the day for report cards and parent/teacher consultations. I am rather pleased with how things went today. I was much more prepared than last time, remembered all of the notes I wanted to pass on to parents, and only 4 parents did not show up (an improvement from last term's 7). One more term and I should have it down pat.

~Shout out to my new baby cousin: Elijah Joel Free born to Joel and Cathryn Free Monday morning. Welcome to the family, Elijah!